Thursday, March 31, 2011

Have a look at the CBD...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Thought this kind of related to some of your stuff. 'Light Through Trees' is a work that has been just made by Tomato. It has been donated for the Japan relief effort. "The cherry blossom was placed on cyanotype paper to create a series of photograms of which these are 3, light and water did the rest."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tomato are a collective of artists, designers, musicians and writers who do a lot of collaborative work with each other. Check it out.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Rosalee you might be interested in the photography of Prokudin-Gorsky: Prokudin-Gorsky was a color photographer before his time, who undertook a photographic survey of the Russian Empire for Tsar Nicholas II. He was able to capture color by taking three pictures of each scene, each with a different red, green or blue color filter.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Poplar lane

I know a lot of us wanted to know what's happened to poplar lane. There are a few photos on C1's facebook page If anyone is interested.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This is an exert out of the draft I have written so far about my plan for this year:

...Deborah Levine describes a transitional “in-between realm that often manifests in artistic endeavours.” The concept of a realm that exists between the real and the imagined is one that is addressed throughout children’s fantasy stories. “Alice in wonderland,” “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “Pans Labyrinth,” “The Little Princess” and “The Secret Garden.” all describe realms that exist between the real and the imagined. Artists also work through this “in-between realm” as they “intertwine fragments of there lives into creations that bring into play both reality and imagination.” (Deborah Levine)

Fairy tales “Came to speak simultaneously to all levels of the human personality, communicating in a manner which reaches the uneducated mind of the child as well as that of the sophisticated adult.” (Bettelheim) This year I want to continue my 2011 research into fairy stories and fantasy. I am looking at the broad idea of a fairy story particularly those fantasy tales which have enthralled me during my life....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Abberly Park cancelled

So... sorry guys but the meeting tomorrow is cancelled. Luke has been called into another meeting tomorrow morning that will run to the afternoon. He will email you all via your uclive contacts informing you of any plans for next week. Apologies again for the change of plans. Things are very fluid at the moment and information seems to change every hour so if you can bear with us at this point we should have more info for you soon.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abberly Park

Hey All

Design meeting tomorrow 10am at Abberly Park (on Abberly Cres, which runs between Springfield Road and St Albans Street). We'll be catching up on ideas for the quakesque-design/art you'll be making this year. We also hope to have some info for you regarding entry to the studio (but don't count on it.) Hope you can all make it.


Hey guys, so my ideas for what I wana do this year are pretty vague, been struggling a bit to figure out what direction I want to take but heres a few things I've been looking at.

Janice Kerbel's work explores the boundaries between fiction and reality. She designs elaborate plans for places that don't, or can't, physically exist. For one of her projects, Bird Island, Kerbel designed a convincing website advertising an island paradise. The island, nor the experience Kerbel promises does not exist, but she is interested in the idea of imagined ideals and deception. "If her plans were followed through, the object of desire would be destroyed."

Something else I came across was this exhibition based around the idea of cryptozoology which I thought was interesting in relation to the idea of the mysterious and the imagined. I like the idea of blurring the borders of fiction and reality and looking at myth, the unknown, questioning reality etc.

I also read a piece somewhere about Calvino's novel, Invisible Cities which is made up of a series of conversations describing a multitude of cities which make up a kind of fabulous imaginary world that doesn't exist.

I'm really not sure where I want to go from here but planning on carrying on with some of the ideas I was looking at last year with ideas of deception and illusion and fiction vs. reality. I want to steer away from doing too much of the same thing as I was doing last year working with the same sorts of photo collages, but not really sure what I want to make at this stage.


Hey Guys, feeling a little stressed out at the moment about my project for the year and was wondering if anyone could pass any feedback etc about what I'm interested in. At the moment I am looking at a lot of 1950's print designs like advertising, and would quite like to carry on with how I have worked previously with my other projects. (Drawing/painting, type setting, staged photography with models) So mostly posters, packaging design, photography etc.

As I have looked back in my past projects I have used ideas based around women e.g- Pin up girl surfboard + me dressed up surfing in the movie, folded magazine faces and the cover girl series of 'stereotyped' women.

I like the look of the 50s adverts mostly and would like to replicate the same sort of aesthetic, could dress people up 1950s style for posters as I did with my magazine covers at the end of last year. I also love how they use how I have worked in the past with drawing also so I wouldn't get bored of doing the same thing. I am thinking I need to comment on these women to make something new?

I like how these advertisements reflect US pride and security, where consumerism was high and people were persuaded into buying unnecessary items. Mostly however, like that ads from the 50's were overtly sexual, but also generally about family values, lifestyles and stereotypical role models. You can't miss that they were also sexist, racist and sometimes intolerant and misguided. Today they stand as an accurate reflection of how the culture from those years was interpreted.

here is some pictures I like, any ideas/thoughts/links, throw them at me would be a great help!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fairies for Ella

Ella I suddenly remembered this movie I saw years ago and really loved, called FairyTale: A True Story. It seems kinda related to how you want to make installations that question reality, or sort of give people an escape..?? The film is set during WWI and a family are grieving the loss of their father and two sisters try to prove to the public that fairies are real by photographing them, and the mother wants to believe it. It's interesting how the film portrays the fairies as fact too, and apparently two girls actually did try to fool people with photographs of fairies, hence it being a true story. You should check it out :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey guys,

Was great seeing most of you this morn! For Edwin, Han and Soph who weren't able to make it, we pretty much just caught up and shared quake stories, and decided that if we aren't allowed back in the studio on Monday we'll organise meetings/crits to be held in people's flats and keep in touch via the blog.

Would be cool if people could post their ideas for the year, however vague, up here so we can help by contributing things we come across that may be of interest? Cos lets face it I bet lots of us that have the net are spending quite a bit of time aimlessly surfing it? Or is that just me...

Anyway...I've been thinking a bit about pre-cinema optical illusions, and the cool things (props and 'magic' tricks) that were/still are used in theatre...kinda following on from when I was making kaleidoscopes and got interested in praxinoscopes and zoetropes and other things with crazy names, the idea being the atmosphere and type of scene that can be created by using technology from centuries ago... Don't really know what I want to make exactly though, but just thought I'd put that out there and get the ball rolling :)