Hey Guys, feeling a little stressed out at the moment about my project for the year and was wondering if anyone could pass any feedback etc about what I'm interested in. At the moment I am looking at a lot of 1950's print designs like advertising, and would quite like to carry on with how I have worked previously with my other projects. (Drawing/painting, type setting, staged photography with models) So mostly posters, packaging design, photography etc.
As I have looked back in my past projects I have used ideas based around women e.g- Pin up girl surfboard + me dressed up surfing in the movie, folded magazine faces and the cover girl series of 'stereotyped' women.
I like the look of the 50s adverts mostly and would like to replicate the same sort of aesthetic, could dress people up 1950s style for posters as I did with my magazine covers at the end of last year. I also love how they use how I have worked in the past with drawing also so I wouldn't get bored of doing the same thing. I am thinking I need to comment on these women to make something new?
I like how these advertisements reflect US pride and security, where consumerism was high and people were persuaded into buying unnecessary items. Mostly however, like that ads from the 50's were overtly sexual, but also generally about family values, lifestyles and stereotypical role models. You can't miss that they were also sexist, racist and sometimes intolerant and misguided. Today they stand as an accurate reflection of how the culture from those years was interpreted.
here is some pictures I like, any ideas/thoughts/links, throw them at me would be a great help!! :)
You could have a look at 1950's textile design. It might be an interesting medium to discuss the changing role of women in society as well as the woment's rights movements that started at that time. I would suggest you (and everyone else) watch the film "Made in Daganham" It is one of my favourite films. It's a true story that follows a group of women who are fighting for equal pay in England during the 1960's.